Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Let your LIGHT so shine before men...

"And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish Thou the work of our hands upon us..." Psalm 90:17

The other day I was visiting my good friend, who happens to be in her late 80's. We love to get together once a week to catch up on "things".  We set a whole afternoon aside... for building and encouraging one another. And what may be a few hours in actual time, we feel like it's really just minutes... there's so much to share.

During our visits, we often read scripture together and share memory verses.... sometimes, we may even sing a song or two. But we always share what's on our hearts...

On my last visit, I happened to share with her my desire to be a light in the world... to be a light to those around  me.

Immediately after I said, " I want the beauty of the Lord to be seen in me...", she  began singing the first stanza of an unfamiliar hymn.

One that I had never heard before...


Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me,
All His wonderful passion and purity.
May His Spirit divine all my being refine
Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.

When your burden is heavy and hard to bear
When your neighbors refuse all your load to share
When you're feeling so blue, don't know just what to do,
Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in you.

When somebody has been so unkind to you,
Some word spoken that pierces you through and through.
Think how He was beguiled, spat upon and reviled,
Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in you

From the dawn of the morning till close of day,
In example in deeds and in all you say,
Lay your gifts at His feet, ever strive to keep sweet
Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in you.
Written by Albert Orsborn

I don't know about you, but I love old hymns. Old hymns are such a treasure... they are often filled with such good and godly encouragement....  written and lived out by people who gave glory to God... in joys or in sorrows.

The hymn my friend shared brought encouragement to me... because it reminded me to take my eyes from self. 

It is indeed, the Lord Jesus Christ, who I need to look upon... who shines in all beauty and glory.

What a wonderful reminder that...

...when we are beguiled,
...when we are persecuted,
...when we feel our burdens are too hard to bear,

--- The Lord Jesus understands.

He loved us enough to take our shame upon Himself... He who was without sin ... was made sin for us.

That in the end,

... we might be able to show His beauty in our lives.

That our lives might be transformed...

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, 
and glorify your Father which is in heaven." 
Matthew 5:16

I hope you will be encouraged through the hymn as well... and allow the beauty of the Lord to be seen in you today.

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