Wednesday, July 15, 2015

...God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.

" Whom have I in heaven but Thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside Thee." Psalm 73:25

Have you ever felt a longing to be with the Lord? Do you find Him the perfect Friend that you depend on... at all times?

I know sometimes we get caught up with the things here below. We find ourselves looking unto others to fulfill our needs. But I wonder how often we really, truly find ourselves seeking the Lord... as Psalm 42:1 says it so well,

"  as a deer panteth after the water brooks..."

Can I truly say, 

"... so panteth my soul after Thee , O God."

I've been thinking much on this verse. I know most of us know it quite well... maybe we can even quote it to others.  But I find myself  "knowing"  too much and when it comes to applying what I know, well, I admit I often fail. 

Yet I am most grateful to the Lord... 

The Lord is gracious, and in His tenderness comforts, encourages and speaks to me from His word... drawing me ever so close to Him. He reminds me of His precious promises and His work on my behalf... that I might be renewed in mind and conformed to His image. 

He takes care of what needs to be accomplished in my life and I don't need to worry about what He thinks of me... for He already knows my thoughts... and who I am.

Indeed He truly is my faithful Friend. The One who I depend on. The One who never changes. The One who I run to... in sorrow or in joy.

My desire is to have my soul pant after my Savior... to give Him praise and to long for Him with fervency.

A few days ago I heard a lovely song on the radio while walking around town...  it blessed me, and I hope it blesses you as well. I also saw a lone turkey wondering the streets... I thought how lost and confused it was. How thankful I am that when I am "lost and confused" I have a most blessed Savior who watches over me... a most blessed Friend.

“Jesus, Savior, Blessed Friend” 

Whom have I, O Lord, beside you? What have I except your love?
Where is home if not for heaven, there to dwell with you above?
Who are you, if not my Savior? Who am I if not your own?
What are you if not my shelter, Christ my rock and cornerstone?
Jesus, Savior, blessed friend, I will love you without end.

Who will share my earthly sorrow? Who will heal my broken heart?
Who will hold my life together when it seems to fall apart?
When the fears are far too many, and the joys are far too few,
Who will comfort and defend me? Only you, Lord, only you.
Jesus, Savior, blessed friend, I will trust you without end.

Where, O Lord, when life is over, can I go, but home to you?
What have I except the promise where you are I shall be too?
When at last I reach the comfort of that bright celestial place,
There with joy will I behold you, gaze upon your glorious face.
Jesus, Savior, heavenly friend, I will praise you without end.

by Deborah Govenor

May you know the  Lord Jesus Christ as your very own  personal Friend... " Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you."  John 15:14


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