Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The MEEK will HE guide... the MEEK will He teach His way..

"What man is he that feareth the LORD? Him shall HE teach in the way that HE shall choose. His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth." Psalm 25: 12,13

This past week I was reading through Matthew 5, the well known chapter where the Lord Jesus teaches of the blessings reserved for those who follow Him. 

And as I read through the various characteristics the Lord Jesus mentions in the Beatitudes, I stopped and reflected on the importance of having a MEEK spirit. 

Meekness isn't the easiest of characteristics... but it describes the Lord Jesus fully. It should also describe us as believers...

MEEKNESS (def.): 1) a calm temper of mind, not easily provoked, 2) submissive, lowly, humble, 3) having or showing a quiet and gentle nature, 4) enduring injury with patience and without resentment

If we look at the various definitions, we find the Lord Jesus was the embodiment of meekness.  

I remember when I first started memorizing verses a few years back... and I remember the excuses that I made... all because I "couldn't memorize". However, my heart yearned to know more of  my Lord and Saviour... and I knew I could only grow in my knowledge of Him though His WORD.  So I started with a familiar verse... 

" Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me
for I am meek and lowly in heart: 
and ye shall find rest unto your souls." 
Matthew 11:29

Little did I realize, but it was the perfect verse that would teach me and grow me in the knowledge of the Lord. The verse has taken me on a most rewarding journey... that I would learn of Him. 

But in order to learn of Him... well, my heart had to be adorned in humility.

" Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, 
and receive with meekness the engrafted word
which is able to save your souls." 
James 1:21

We are in no way teachable if we do not have fear of the Lord and be found meek and lowly in heart. We must lay aside all forms of pride. Truly, He alone must take precedence and have complete control of our whole being.... body, soul and mind.

How I need the Lord's yoke... to guide and direct me...and to teach me. Only then will my soul "find rest" or "dwell at ease".

Heavenly Father, Thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ who is the perfect example of meekness. Help us to receive your word with meekness and humbleness of mind, that you may lead and teach us to walk in integrity and uprightness of heart. 

May you reflect the Lord's glory and honor in your life today by being a testimony of His character. 

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