"... how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against GOD?" Genesis 39:9
Joseph feared God, and what a testimony that was to those around him! We find the LORD not only blessing Joseph, but even those around Joseph...
" And his master saw that the LORD was with him,
and that the Lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand."
Genesis 39:3
"And Joseph found grace in his sight..."
Genesis 39:4
"... the LORD blessed the Egyptian's house because of Joseph's sake."
Genesis 39:5
"And Joseph was a goodly person and well favored."
Genesis 39:6
And as I was reading of the Lord's goodness towards Joseph ... even when tempted... even when thrown in prison... even when "forgotten" by the one he had done good to... that I began thinking how little I dwell on the power of God's presence in my life.
You know, sometimes I walk about fearful, I shy away from grief and pain, I find myself faithless...
But oh, the power of God that directs our every step.... and the knowledge to know and trust in the promise that our God never leaves us!
For Joseph, even when in prison, God's presence was still with him,
" But the Lord was with Joseph,
and shewed him mercy
and gave him favour
in the sight of the keeper of the prison."
Genesis 39: 21
How often I forget the power of God's presence in my life... that even in the midst of trials, my God never leaves me... but rather shows His mercy, and favor! Yes, He shows His mercy and favor when we think we can no longer bear the pain.
And then I couldn't but think how very important it is... that others might see God's presence in my life.
Do others see that the Lord is with me... be it in joy and or in sorrow? Do others get blessed by seeing me have a total dependence on Him... the One who is able to save? Does my life show forgiveness to those that have wronged me... or do I hold a grudge?
We see Joseph not holding a grudge against Potiphar, for throwing him into prison, nor with the chief butler who had forgotten about him in prison... furthermore, we don't see Joseph holding a grudge for his brethren, but rather loving them!
Only through the presence of God in his life, could Joseph ever have such love... and be able to consider the "evil" that his brothers had done unto him, as God's favor toward him.
How often I fail to see God's goodness to me... even in the trials and afflictions that come my way. Oh, that I would see them as God's favor towards me!
However, I am most thankful for God's presence in my life... through His Word and Holy Spirit.
For I am encouraged that Christ alone is able to use me... and you... to reflect His presence in our lives, and even bless those around us.
" Now unto HIM who is able to keep you from falling
and to present you faultless before the presence of HIS glory
with exceeding joy,
to the only wise GOD our SAVIOUR,
be glory and majesty, dominion and power,
both now and ever.
Jude 24,25
Holy Father, Help us today to honor your presence in our lives, by living a life worthy of your calling, in thought and deed. May our lives reflect and manifest towards those around that you are in us and working though us.
May you be encouraged to look unto the LORD ... and trust in the power of His presence to guide your life... and He will perfect that which concerns you today.
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