Wednesday, August 5, 2015

"... He LOVED them to the end."

" If I then, your LORD and MASTER have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another's feet. " John 13:14

As I have started reading through the gospel of John for my daily Bible reading, I have been tremendously blessed by  it ...

 ... precious and comforting are the words of the Saviour's love for us. 

"Greater love hath no man than this, 
that a man lay down his life for his friends." 
John 15:13

Such sacrificial love... 

These past few months I've worked on memorizing Romans chapter 8. And since finishing the verses, I have looked for another passage that would strengthen my walk with the Saviour. For some reason I was drawn to memorize John 17, a chapter I've loved since childhood. 

The Lord's prayer to the Father always makes me teary... it never fails to remind me of Jesus' love for His disciples... and for  those of us who would eventually come to know Him. 

Reading the Lord's prayer has always brought about a renewed adoration for my Saviour... knowing He prayed for me with such tenderness. It comforts me to no end! 

Do you ever get touched when someone shows kindness to you... when someone cares for you? You know, those special times... when someone takes what matters most to you and bears the load with you. It's when you become so important to them, that they go the extra mile... to have patience and listen to you... to understand your fears, partake of your joys or simply make an effort to understand the trial you may be going through. It's those moments when you feel so loved... simply because someone has thought of you and placed your needs above theirs. 

Such love is only a minute glimpse into understanding the love our Lord Jesus had for us...

As much as we may feel loved and cared for by others from time to time, there are moments when even those that love us here on this earth...  fall short. We've all experienced it.

But it was never so with the Lord Jesus Christ... our need was always before Him. It was evident in His prayer to the Father...

He desired that I would be PROTECTED from the evil of this world.
He desired that I would be SANCTIFIED through the TRUTH.
He desired that I would have HIS JOY fulfilled in me.
HE desired that I would be ONE with HIM.
HE desired that HIS GLORY would be on me.

Oh, such love and tenderness... poured out moments before the Lord Jesus Christ would give His life as a ransom for my sins... for your sins.

As the Lord Jesus nears the end of His prayer to the Father, He asks the Father  a precious request... 

... a most precious request,

" Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, 
be with me where I am..." 
John 17:24

I'm always humbled that my life was of such utter importance to the Lord Jesus, that He would die for me... and with joy... endured the cross that I might dwell with Him for eternity.

Yes, the Lord Jesus was the perfect example of LOVE... the ONE who cared for and loved us... to the end! 

And He left us an example,

" Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. 
If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; 
ye also ought to wash one another's feet. 
For I have given you an example, 
that ye should do as I have done to you. " 
John 13:13-15

Lord, help us to serve you and live for you... with humbleness and meekness of mind.... esteeming those around us above ourselves. 

May you be encouraged to follow the Lord's example... and love those around you a with servant's heart... all for His glory.


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