" When thou hast eaten and art full,
then thou shalt bless the LORD thy God for the good land which HE hath given thee."
Deuteronomy 8:11
Do you ever wonder why we go through trials? Do you ever wonder what good is it that GOD would take us through a long "wilderness" in life?
Why do we have to go through times of adversity... where we are tested and tried in various ways? Why are there trials we face that bring about fear and anxiety... or doubt and unrest?
The wilderness for the Israelites brought such trials in their lives... trials for 40 years. But through those 40 years, GOD was faithful....
To show His mercy.
To show His holiness.
To bring glory to His name.
What may have been a time of rebellion, unthankfulness, and disobedience for the Israelites, God's merciful hand was gracious to carry them through a wilderness that lasted a long time.
But He provided for their every need... in abundance.
As I was reading through chapter 8 of Deuteronomy, I was so thankful for the beautiful reminder...
Trials are indeed good for us!
I know it isn't the easiest to go through trials... but the more I read of God's Word, the more He reveals to me the need to be still before Him.
He is at work in me... to test me, to prove me, to make me to know what is in my heart.
God knows what is in my heart... but He wants me to know what is in my heart.
My God knows what I need of... and He desires that I might not forget His power, His holiness, His righteousness. There's lots of things in my life that need to be brought to the obedience of the Father's will. A ton.
" And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness,
to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart,
whether thou wouldst keep His commandments, or no."
Deut. 8:2
Isn't the verse powerful?
That's why God takes us through the "wilderness"... not just to test us and know what is in our hearts... but to humble us before a HOLY God!
We tend to think we have all the power... and forget that God is the One who blesses us with all things good.
We are a proud people.
We are stiff-necked people.
"And thou say in thine heart,
My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth."
But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God;
For it is He that giveth the power..."
Deuteronomy 8:17,18
But graciously, even through the wilderness, God is still merciful.
He leads us.
He carries us.
As He takes care of us through the wilderness, God sees that:
Our clothes wax not old...
when we " clothe ourselves with humility"(1Peter 5:5)
Our feet swell not...
when our feet are "shod with the gospel of peace" (Ephesians 6:15)
We are fed with manna from above...
when we live by "every word that proceedth out of the mouth of GOD" (Deut 8:3)
And He chasteneth us a Father would... that we would learn to walk in His ways... in obedience.
Through the trials that I face, God feeds me through His word, to humble me, to test me... and in the end...
... to do good unto me.
" Who fed thee in the wilderness with manna, which thy fathers knew not,
that He might humble thee, and that He might prove thee,
to do thee good at thy latter end."
Deuteronomy 8:16
What love! The love of the Father... to do us good in the end!
And so today I'm thankful for the Father's reminder that my "wilderness" is there for me to accomplish His purpose...
... to humble me before a Holy God... to test my heart... and do me good.
The "wilderness" is a good land!
May the word of God be the "manna" for your soul as you face the trials of the day... and know the Lord God is working to perfect that which concerns you.
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