Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Bear ye one another's burdens...

" For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: 
"Love your neighbor as yourself." 
Galatians 5:14

Today I'm once again overwhelmed with God's goodness, love and faithfulness.

Have you ever had the privilege to carry another man's burden before the Lord? Have you ever been asked to share in the trials of someone who's hurting and in need?...

It takes a lot out of us to let go of self... to stop and listen... to encourage... and to love.

But, oh the joy, to come before the Father's throne to intercede for someone else.

Last night was a night without much sleep, a turning and tossing, a night of praying and interceding that God's mercy would be shown. The early morning hours brought peace to me... a peace that God gave in His goodness.

Trust in me. Cast all your cares upon me. 

Oh, Lord... you are the God of heaven and nothing is too difficult for Thee.

A peaceful sleep passed over me.  Not much after waking, did God answer. His outstretched arm intervened. Sometimes I'm overwhelmed... because God is so good! He answers in ways we never imagine.

Sharing each other's burdens... what a privilege!

It's easier for us to just sit back and not partake in someone else's hurt... we have troubles of our own. But little do we realize how often we forgo blessings and lose the opportunity to grow and exercise our own faith when we share the load. Our faith gets tried as well. Do we trust? Do we surrender our will to HIS?

Tribulations... are for our own good, even though they are difficult to go through.

And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: 
knowing that tribulation worketh patience;
And patience, experience; and experience, hope...
Romans 5:3,4.

The result... a perfect and complete work in us. 

But let patience have her perfect work, 
that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. 
James 1:4

Let us consider it a joy... to carry one another's burdens... and so fulfill the law of Christ.

May God's love be poured forth in your heart today... for those hurting and in need.


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