" Bless the LORD of my soul and all that is within me, bless HIS HOLY name." Psalm 103:1
Ah, Psalm 103. What a beautiful, beautiful Psalm. Worth reading over and over again.
I've been trying to share some thoughts of what I have been dwelling on these past few days. And I was sort of stuck. It's not that I haven't felt the Lord's goodness and mercy... for I have had some wonderful moments singing some old hymns and thanking the LORD for His daily provisions and faithfulness.
But after I read Psalm 103 today, my heart was full of joy, contentment, gladness, thankfulness... all in one go! Have you ever doubted God's love for you? Have you ever doubted God's mercy? Have you ever doubted God's tenderness? Just read Psalm 103... and you'll be amazed at GOD's beautiful tenderness towards us HIS people.
Even though we deserved death and punishment, God is ever so LOVING!
Here are just a few of His attributes towards us:
1) The LORD is merciful, 2) He is gracious, 3) He is slow to anger, 4) He is plentuous in mercy, 5) He will not always chide, 6) He will not keep His anger forever, 7) He doesn't deal with us after our sins, 8) He doesn't reward us after our iniquities 9) He pitieth us as a father does his child, 10) He removes our transgressions from us, 11) He forgives all our iniquities, 12) He heals all our diseases, 13) He redeems our life from destruction, 14) He crowns us with lovingkindness and tender mercies, 15) He satisfies our mouth with good things, 16 He executes righteousness and judgement to all that are oppressed.
Isn't it beautiful? What a LOVING FATHER.
And when we think that GOD would have all the right to terminate us... He remembers that we are just dust! He knows how we are made. We are nothing before him... and yet ...we are EVERYTHING! HE sent HIS SON to die for us. Can we ever have enough praise?
As the Psalmist says: "Bless the LORD, O my soul... and all that is within me, BLESS His Holy name."
The neat thing is that HIS mercy is from everlasting to everlasting! It never ends...
May you be blessed as you meditate on the Father's tenderness and lovingkindness today.
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