Friday, April 25, 2014

TURN AWAY mine eyes FROM beholding VANITY...


" TEACH me O Lord the way of THY statues... Give me UNDERSTANDING, and I shall keep THY law... Make me to go in the path of THY commandments... Incline my HEART unto THY testimonies, and not to covetousness... STABLISH THY WORD unto thy servant." PS. 119: 33-38.

Lately I've been thinking about our role here on this earth. What is the meaning of our salvation? As I was memorizing a few verses from Psalm 73, I came to the last verse, where it says, " But it is good for me to draw near to GOD, I have put my trust in the LORD, GOD... that I might declare ALL THY works.

I guess it's real simple. We are to show forth God's work in us. We are to live for HIS glory. And we are to imitate the LORD JESUS CHRIST through our actions.

Last night while getting ready for bed, my husband and I took a few hymns to sing together. And while he was still brushing his teeth, I was flipping through the hymn book, looking for a few hymns we could sing together. That's when I ran across a hymn I didn't seem to recognize... and I wasn't familiar with the melody either. But I loved the words!

It's not about us. We are to have the mind of Christ in us always... in our actions, thoughts and deeds.

I'm posting the words, not only because it's such a beautiful hymn, but I'm hoping it will encourage you as it did me.

O I want to be like Jesus,
As I walk along this pilgrim way;
O I want to live like Jesus,
Showing forth His beauty every day.
This my prayer and deepest longing -
To be pure without, within.
O I want to be like Jesus,
Cleansed from dross and free from self and sin.

O I want to talk like Jesus,
Gracious are the words from Him we hear:
Words of life and hope for sinners,
Tender healing words of love and cheer.
O the power and the value of a fitly spoken word!
O I want to talk like Jesus,
Any time or place my voice is heard.

O I want to serve like Jesus,
Willingly He came from Heaven above;
On the earth He lived for others,
Spent His life in kindly deeds of love.
I would follow where He leads me
And His bidding always do.
O I want to serve like Jesus
Till my traveling days on earth are through.

John W. Peterson

I'm again reminded of the LORD JESUS CHRIST... who came as a servant, not to to be served, but rather to serve... and in the end, gave HIS life that we may live.

We are to live for God... and to be free of self.

"And that He died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto HIM which died for them and rose again." 2 Cor. 5:15

May you be strengthened in the thought today... to live for Jesus... to talk like Jesus...and to serve like Jesus.



Friday, April 18, 2014

Praise Ye the LORD... Praise the NAME of the LORD.


 "Blessed be the NAME of the LORD from this time forth and forevermore." Psalm 113:2

These past several weeks my husband and I have been reading through the Psalms. We like to read  the BIBLE in order, it's something we've always done. So throughout our marriage we've read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation a few times. But I am always blessed to see how the WORD of GOD is always new... there's always something new the LORD reveals.  If only we have ears to listen.

While reading through the Psalms this time around, I've especially noticed how God desires that we praise HIM. Many, many psalms start out by exhorting us to praise  GOD'S HOLY NAME.... urging us to give thanks to God: " Praise ye the Lord. O give thanks unto the Lord."

And why should we praise HIM?

Because HE is GOOD ... and HIS mercy endureth forever!(Ps. 106:1). That's enough to praise HIM all day long!

But can we praise HIM all day? I mean, even when we are going through trials, or when discouraged? God says we can... because we are to give thanks in ALL things. But not of our own strength. For when we are weak HIS strength is made perfect in us.

I know it's hard to apply a thankful attitude and to have praise on our lips even when... deep in hurt, deep in discouragement, deep in pain, deep in loneliness, deep in abandonment. But He is our strength even when our flesh and heart faileth! Psalm 73.

Blessed be HIS name, for:

" HE raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill."

PS. 113:7

And God doesn't just stop there:

" That HE may set him with princes, even with the princes of HIS people" 

Isn't it beautiful where He places us? Oh, that I might praise HIM in ALL things!

Today was such a beautiful reminder for me. To PRAISE HIM... ALL day long. I don't know about you , but when I take a hymn and sing, I find my heart at peace. There is something that happens when we sing a song of praise to our GOD almighty... it brings wonderful peace.

And today this verse in Psalm 113:3 made me aware of praising GOD even more so than before.... because He desires praise... for our good and HIS glory!

" From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD'S name IS to be PRAISED."  

May you praise our Heavenly Father today... trusting that HE is at work even when we are deep in discouragement or when we are full of joy.


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

That ye might be PARTAKERS of the DIVINE nature....



" For if these things be in you, and ABOUND, they make you that ye shall NEITHER be barren NOR unfruitful in the KNOWLEDGE of our LORD JESUS CHRIST," 2 Peter 1:8

Last week I visited an older sister in the the Lord and we had a wonderful time reflecting on God's word. One day a week we like to get together and share scripture with one another... it may be a verse or chapter that we have read in the course of the previous week, or it could be a passage form a devotional or  even a hymn that has brought praise in our hearts. But we always manage to encourage each other through God's WORD... and it's always a delight to stop and think on the things above...  in the process, God blesses, and we are always uplifted .

So this past week we managed to read from 2 Peter chapter 1. What a joy and encouragement the passage was for me. I have meditated on it these past several days. And I've been most blessed.

Did  you ever realize that we can be partakes of the DIVINE nature of God?  When I read verse 4, I was just overwhelmed at our position in Christ. I mean, we have been given GREAT and PRECIOUS promises that we can call our own! We are equipped with a divine nature. How wonderful is that!

We have the HOLY SPIRIT dwelling in us... and we are to abound in the character of the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith is not enough, rather we are to add to faith: 1) virtue 2) knowledge 3) temperance 4) patience 5) godliness 6) brotherly kindness and  7) charity.

And so, if these things are in us.... and we abound in them(that is key).... then they will make us so that we be: neither 1) BARREN nor 2) UNFRUITFUL.... in the knowledge of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. We can truly know HIM as HE is!

You know, sometimes we may wonder why we don't know God's will for our life... well, we may simply lack knowledge of Him. His ways are not our ways.... however, we know God desires our good. So if we abound in the character of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, well, it would mean that we would be in HIS will.... and that HIS will would be good, acceptable and perfect . (Romans 12:2). Of course that would mean that we would be transformed by the renewing of our mind... bearing the character of  our LORD.

It's not always easy to show brotherly kindness, to have patience, to have godliness or show charity. But we know know that he that lacketh these things is:


We can see that for our own benefit we ought to give diligence to make our calling sure: " For if ye do these things, YE SHALL NEVER FALL." vs.10.

And abiding in Him will reward us with an entrance into God's kingdom. What a joyous reward! Verse 11 says it so beautifully,

" For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you ABUNDANTLY into the everlasting kingdom of our LORD JESUS CHRIST."

LORD, help me to abound in a Christ-like character! 

May you, too, abound in the knowledge of the SAVIOUR today... and be fruitful for HIS kingdom.


Friday, April 11, 2014

O visit me with THY SALVATION...


" Nevertheless HE saved them for HIS name's sake, that HE might make HIS mighty power to be known." Psalm 106: 8

Oh, that I might praise the LORD all the days of my life! How wonderful that God's mercy is everlasting... that He saves us from all ill.

" Save us O LORD our GOD, and gather us from among the heathen, to give thanks unto THY  HOLY name , and to triumph in THY praise" Psalm 106:47

Do you ever find yourself forgetting God's blessings?

Have you ever felt His mighty arm of protection over you ... from temptation, from accidents, from speaking guile, from making wrong decisions, from all sorts of evil? Have you felt His goodness to you.... through healing of diseases, in monetary blessings, in food for the body, in joys of school accomplishments, experiencing the beauty of traveling, being blessed with children, or having the ability to see, hear or walk? I'm sure we have all experienced the LORD's goodness in many of these blessings ... if not all.

But how soon we forget God's love to us... when things don't go our way. How we murmur against HIM. How unthankful and wicked we are... desiring what our flesh craves, against God's will.

Yet, God sometimes gives us what we want... He did just that with the people of Israel, when they were discontent with God's provisions in the wilderness. They weren't happy. They wanted more.  They forgot God's works. They waited NOT for HIS counsel. They lusted EXCEEDINGLY in the wilderness. And what did GOD do?

" ... He gave them their request; BUT sent leaness into their soul." Psalm 106:15

Sometimes we don't know what we want.

LORD, help me to be at rest in your will for me. Save me from mine own folly... make me to love your will for my life, even when I may desire otherwise. I desire NOT leanness in my soul... but a soul filled with gratitude for your name's sake!

May you be content with God's will for your life today... and may you KNOW HIS SALVATION.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

For HE knoweth our frame...


" Bless the LORD of my soul and all that is within me, bless HIS HOLY name." Psalm 103:1

Ah, Psalm 103. What a beautiful, beautiful Psalm. Worth reading over and over again.

I've been trying to share some thoughts of what I have been dwelling on these past few days.  And I was sort of stuck. It's not that I haven't felt the Lord's goodness and mercy... for I have had some wonderful moments singing some old hymns and thanking the LORD for His daily provisions and faithfulness.

But after I read Psalm 103 today,  my heart was full of joy, contentment, gladness, thankfulness... all in one go!  Have you ever doubted God's love for you? Have you ever doubted God's mercy? Have you ever doubted God's tenderness? Just read Psalm 103... and you'll be amazed at GOD's beautiful tenderness towards us HIS people.

Even though we deserved death and punishment, God is ever so LOVING!

Here are just a few of His attributes towards us:

1) The LORD is merciful, 2) He is gracious, 3) He is slow to anger, 4) He is plentuous in mercy, 5) He will not always chide, 6) He will not keep His anger forever, 7) He doesn't deal with us after our sins, 8) He doesn't reward us after our iniquities 9) He pitieth us as a father does his child, 10) He removes our transgressions from us, 11) He forgives all our iniquities, 12) He heals all our diseases, 13) He redeems our life from destruction, 14) He crowns us with lovingkindness and tender mercies, 15) He satisfies our mouth with good things, 16 He executes righteousness and judgement to all that are oppressed.

Isn't it beautiful? What a LOVING FATHER.

And when we  think that GOD would have all the right to terminate us... He remembers that we are just dust! He knows how we are made. We are nothing before him... and yet ...we are EVERYTHING! HE sent HIS SON to die for us. Can we ever have enough praise?

As the Psalmist says: "Bless the LORD, O my soul... and all that is within me, BLESS His Holy name."

The neat thing is that HIS mercy is from everlasting to everlasting! It never ends...

May you be blessed as you meditate on the Father's tenderness and lovingkindness today.


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Whatsoever is BORN of GOD overcometh the world....


"... And this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our FAITH." 1 John 5:4

While preparing breakfast this morning, I heard a few verses being read while listening to a favorite radio station. The WORD of GOD always encourages me even while doing chores and going about the daily activities. Listening to the Bible being read never fails to lift my eyes from the cares of this world ... and keeps my thoughts on Christ above.

But the day always seems to have its challenges... we are not free from sinning, we are not free from being tried by trials... we are not free from the law of sin that wars against the law of our mind, God's law (Romans 7:23,25).

Yet, we can have victory and overcome the world ... through our FAITH in Christ Jesus. Just simple faith will do... because victory is in JESUS. He has done it all, and our belief in Him will be enough to move mountains that stand in our way. The  " mountains " in our life can vary  from day today... but trusting in our LORD JESUS will bring complete victory:

" Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that JESUS is the SON of GOD"

1 John 5:5

 We must be well anchored in our faith... be strong and courageous, whatever may come our way. And we can trust that,

"... HE knoweth the way that I take, when HE hath tried me, I will come forth as gold." Job 23:10

Sometimes it's best to be still when going though trials... and trust in our HEAVENLY FATHER. For this too shall pass. It gives me peace when I focus on the fact that God appoints certain trials in my life, which I must go through, so that HIS will might be accomplished in my life... and in the end, I may come forth stronger than before.

Did you know that HE appoints certain trials? Yes, He does... perfect example is Job.

"For HE permormeth the thing that is appointed for me, and many such things are with HIM." Job 23:14

LORD, help me to be still before you . Help me to overcome whatever trial that may come my way... through faith in Jesus Christ.

May you know complete victory through the blood of Jesus Christ today.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The LORD knoweth the thoughts of man...



" In the multitude of my thoughts within me, thy comforts delight my soul." Ps. 94:19

Do you ever have sleepless nights? ... or days when you are overwhelmed with a multitude of thoughts. Maybe, there are days and nights when you are  sorely burdened. I've had my share of those days and nights. Days where I've felt my feet slipping from under me... giving way to fear. Fear of a loved one dying from a sickness, fear of being all alone, fear of losing all hope.

But in those darkest moments my Saviour never lets go! He always understands... He always knows our thoughts.  For when our feet slip, His mercy holds us up.(PS. 94:18)... Blessed be HIS name!

And even during the darkest of moments, God teaches us lessons that can only be learned when we are at the end of our rope. To learn full dependence on Him.... and ultimately accept His perfect plan. Isn't it interesting that we tend to seek God and cry out for mercy mostly when we are empty ... and in need.

Many times God has to apply chastisement  so we can be brought back into the "fold"... "we all like sheep have gone astray".  How often when out of the "fold" we take matters into our hands... trusting NOT the Lord , NOR relying on Him.

We try working things out with our own reason, we seek the advice of friends or family, or we look to other means for deliverance. But how gracious our LORD is with us! What may be chastisement for the moment, is later rewarded as a blessing. We are blessed through the chastisement. Yes, through chastisement we are blessed! It may sound contrary to what we feel when chastised, but God's word never lies...

" Blessed is the man whom THOU chastenest, O LORD, and teachest him out of thy law." Ps. 94:11

Isn't it beautiful?... To know the Father knows best. Help me LORD to accept THY will ... and not my own.

May you know the blessings of the HEAVENLY FATHER today!
