" But in ALL things approving ourselves as the ministers of God..." 2 Corinthians 6:4
This morning I happened to catch a devotional being read while preparing breakfast. Normally my thoughts "run to and fro" while getting things ready for the table... but the radio is still in the background with music or scripture being read. Sometimes I don't always hear everything amidst the noise of preparing breakfast. However, there's always a "nugget "of treasure that keeps me encouraged...
A verse was shared this morning ... and with the verse, the thought that we possess ALL things. How wonderful the thought! I quickly made a mental jot to look up the verse after breakfast and meditate on the treasure given me.
" ... as having nothing, yet possessing All things."
2 Corinthians 6:10
I started reading at the beginning of the chapter to understand the verse a bit better... and how blessed and encouraged I was!
Too often I forget... how RICH I am... and that I posses ALL things... IN Christ!
"... and you are complete in Him."
Colossians 2:10
Have you ever felt yourself lacking? I know most of us often associate richness with material things, but being rich isn't about the things of this world...
Have you ever felt yourself....
- without the "means" to get through the day?
- at "loss" when it comes to... going the extra mile, showing kindness, applying grace to someone who's wronged you?
- "poor" and "hopeless" and "without knowledge" when it comes to applying Christ-like attributes ... be it to others, or in situations where surroundings test our "worth"?
I was overwhelmed with the encouragement I received from the verses I read. Oh, what wealth of knowledge has been given to us... indeed we posses ALL things and we lack NO good thing!
I thought to write down the key points from 2 Corinthinas 6:1-10... as a reminder of what God's power and His Holy Spirit can do in our lives... when we are faced with various trials.
As workers together with the LORD... we are not to receive the grace of God in vain:
- Giving NO offence in ANY THING... that the ministry be not blamed.
- in much patience
- in afflictions
- in necessities
- in distresses
- in stripes
- in imprisonments
- in tumults
- in labours
- in watchings
- in fastings
- by pureness
- by knowledge
- by long-suffering
- by kindness
- by the HOLY GHOST
- by love unfeigned (genuine, without hypocrisy)
- by the WORD OF TRUTH
- by the POWER OF GOD
- by the armour of righteousness, on the right hand and on the left
- by honour and dishonour
- by evil report, and bad report
- as deceivers, and yet true
- as unknown, and yet well known
- as dying, and behold we live
- as chastened, and not killed
- as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing
- as poor, yet making many rich
Lord, may your power and Holy Spirit work in us to be strengthened with all might... working in us all... a patience and long-suffering... that is accomplished with joyfulness.
May you be encouraged today to give no offence in any thing... and be reminded that in Christ we possess ALL things. We are more than conquerors through Him... who loved us to the the end.