"Wherefore glorify ye the LORD in the fires, even the name of the LORD GOD of Israel
in the isles of the sea."
Isaiah 24:15
Do you ever have a hard time being still before the LORD? I'll be honest I struggle often to be still.
Being still before the Lord is one of the hardest things to do, especially when circumstances around us may seem like they need our attention.
I don't know, but I often struggle with the idea that I need " to do something about it ". And usually that sense overrides my LORD's desire... to abide in Him... without struggling... and to bring everything before Him.
I thought about the well known verse:
" Casting ALL your care upon HIM,
for HE careth for you."
1 Peter 5:7 .
HE cares! The LORD cares about our struggles. He desires that we be still before Him... and allow Him to work on our behalf.
This morning as I was reading through Isaiah, the Lord brought a beautiful verse to my attention. I'm always amazed at God's mercy... and His grace poured forth to us in time of need. It was a verse I truly needed this morning. A verse that I need to apply daily in my life.
" Wherefore glorify ye the Lord in the fires,
even the name of the LORD GOD of Israel
in the isles of the sea."
Isaiah 24:15
The Lord reminded me not only to be still before Him, but to also glorify Him... even in the "fire" or "remotest place" I may find myself in.
Our joy is in the LORD. We find comfort and strength in Him alone. We can triumph through faith in the ONE who is a LIGHT unto our path.
"For with THEE is the fountain of life;
In THY light, we see light."
Psalm 36:9
What a beautiful thing it is to see God work... to be still before HIM... even in the midst of fiery trials.
Thank you, Lord... for the beautiful reminder today... to glorify you in every place, however "hot" or "remote" it may seem.
" Let us set aside every weight...
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith...
Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees. "
Hebrews 12:1,2,12
May you know today...the PEACE the LORD gives... not the "peace" the world gives.