" How much more shall the BLOOD OF CHRIST, who through the eternal SPIRIT offered HIMSELF without spot to GOD, purge your conscience from dead works, to serve the LIVING GOD. Hebrews 9: 14
My thoughts are on the sacrifice of my LORD today. How often I neglect to stop and thank the LORD for HIS sacrificial love that brought salvation to my soul. His sacrifice can sometimes become of little importance... way too often.
Reading through the gospels, I stopped to meditate on the passage where the LORD JESUS CHRIST was in deep agony... for the hour was come to drink the cup of wrath.... and be condemned to death.
HE was alone. The disciples asleep. HIS soul was exceeding sorrowful. There in the garden of Gethsemane, the LORD falls on the ground... and prays to the FATHER.
Could it be possible?
" Let this cup pass from me..."
" Abba, Father, ALL things are possible unto THEE, take away this cup from me..."
Who could save Him from the the cross, knowing what He must endure? Only the Father.
" He offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto HIM that was able to save HIM from death..."
Hebrews 5:7
And yet HE prayed, " Not my will but Thine be done ."
The LORD... in deepest agony. The FATHER... strengthens.
"And there appeared an angel unto HIM from heaven, strengthening HIM."
Luke 22:43
For it was the Father's desire that Jesus Christ should drink that cup. To be that offering for sin. For our sins. For mine.
Thank you LORD... for your obedience to the FATHER... for your blood spilt on my behalf. For eternal salvation.
" Though He were a SON, yet learned HE obedience by the things which HE suffered; And being made perfect, HE became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey HIM."
Hebrews 5:8-9
How can I thank you? My debt was paid. Purge my conscience from dead works... that I may serve you... and glorify THY name.
Do you know my Saviour?
Have you heard HIS love for you?
How HE came to live a sinless life
And shed HIS blood for you.
A sinless man, the SON of GOD
Come down to save the lost.
To die a shameful death upon the cross,
That we might live at HIS dear cost.
My LORD, How hard it was for you,
To take the cup of agony on THEE.
In deepest sorrow you asked the Father,
'Tis possible may this cup pass from me.
The three you took with you to pray
Could not keep watch not e'en an hour.
Twas Peter, James and John
Who fell asleep and had no power.
With tears and strong crying THOU didst pray again
And sweat like drops of blood did shed
"Not my will but Thine be done."
Was what you prayed instead.
And as your hour was come
To Caiaphas you were led
Betrayed by Judas with a kiss
Forsook by all, as all had fled.
Are you the Christ, the SON of GOD?
You spoke no word, Thy peace you held.
With two false witnesses against THEE
You answered, " Thou has said."
And with those words you were condemned,
To die the death 'twas meant for me.
Upon the cross at Calvary,
You took my guilt and set me free.
So now I ask you yet again,
Has Christ been merciful to you?
Then give Him praise in all you do.
Ellie 5/30/2014
May you dwell on God's sacrificial love for you today... and praise Him for the gift of salvation.